Now, where did I leave that?

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Blessed Imbolc

In a few minutes the sun will set on this oh-so-cold last day of January, and Imbolc begins.  Imbolc has always been the most sacred of holy days for me, the night and day that honors Brighid, the threefold Goddess of poetry, healing and smithcraft, 'my' Goddess, the One to whom I promised heart and hands one day in a labyrinth in 1997, a time--and promise--that changed my life.  Ten years later we had a misunderstanding, Brighid and I, a falling out.  She never promised me a rose garden, but the thorns pierced my heart and soul; I expected that service to the Goddess to be a joy, and felt deeply betrayed when that service to Her became servitude to another's vision.  When walking away from the work I believed I'd been called to, I walked away from the Goddess as well.  And the spiritual loneliness has finally led me back home, back to the understanding that seasons change, the oceans ebb and flow, and what we're called to do may also change, ebb, flow like the tides of our lives.

Tonight I'll honor Her, ask Her blessings, Her guidance, and offer my deepest gratitude that while I turned my back, She never left....

Blessed Be....and Blessed Imbolc, 2010.


Anonymous said...

Many Brighidy blessings to you, dear Ashling. And you're so right: she never left...

Dawn Zichko said...

Belated Imbolc Blessings to you and yours, Ashling! It's good to know you are at Home.