Now, where did I leave that?

Monday, September 19, 2011

Acts of Faith

When I was ten years old, my mother decided to convert to Catholicism, and I was apparently of an age where I too had to go through indoctrination classes to get up to speed.  When all was said and done, one of the prayers I was expected to know and recite was the Act of Faith. Throughout my remaining 5 1/2 years as a practicing--and devout--Catholic, that prayer was a cornerstone for me. It summed up what I believed, what the church said my faith was all about.  Faith and Catholicism in a nutshell.
Fast forward many years...sometimes I balk at the word 'faith' in a spiritual connotation.  I don't rely on faith to light my spiritual path.  I 'know' there's a Divine Energy in everyone's life.  The face, the name, our awareness of 'It', all change color, shape and texture the way a kaleidoscope's innards change, and while 'It' is a 'She' to me, that doesn't make someone else's experience less valid.  When I say a prayer, when I talk to Her, it's not an act of faith, which implies a certain leap, a risk, the possibility there's no net. For me, it's as real as the keyboard I'm typing on. I 'know' there's a net.
But this morning, driving to work on a fog-shrouded bridge, the phrase act of faith wouldn't leave my mind. There I was on a metal structure, unable to see the water beneath, sky above, or either shore.  All things were shades of gray, and I was trusting I'd emerge onto a road, see trees and fields, encounter the same familiar scenery I've passed a few thousand times before.  And it made me ponder other acts of faith great and small: whispering "I love you" for the first--or thousandth--time; having children; saying "I'm sorry"; holding our mother's hand; adopting a shelter animal; planting a pumpkin seed; buying pants without trying them on; getting out of bed; making a friend; forgiving; telling a secret; making love; helping a stranger; putting away the snowblower for the season; flying a kite....
Life is an act of faith; will you tell me some of YOUR acts of faith?


the wild magnolia said...

I was raised in the Christian faith, Baptist it was. My "faith" came early, my belief in God, seems always to have been there.

As I aged I became interested in other faiths and beliefs and so I read and read. I discovered beliefs are as many colored prisms, each one different.

In the long run faith still means to trust to me. I believe strongly in God, I also believe in many of the peaceful tenets of Buddhism. Meditation, loving kindness, mindfulness....I see God in a prism.

Someone keeps us a float, the universe, and all the rest of it. Every human has a choice and a right to make it.

My Farmhouse Kitchen said...

~~~ happy to see you at farmhouse kitchen

kary and teddy

AkasaWolfSong said...

Dearest Ashling...

Some of my acts of faith are:

The very first instant I held my newborn babes in my arms, knowing I would love them and they me.

Looking into the eyes of a child and seeing God/Goddess in the purity that shines through them.

Watching a sprout break through the ground and the 'knowing' it will become...

Just a few I can think of in this moment...

Faith need not only be used in a spiritual or religious context but when looked at deeply and with reverence it does become that, eh? Perhaps because we ulitmately see the larger picture?

So good to have you coming to my blogs...I shall cherish our new and ongoing connection.

Happy Autumnal Equinox,
Many Peaceful and Abundant Blessings to You!

Ashling said...

Thank you so much for sharing such precious acts of faith....and for stopping by!

Jennifer said...

I left an 8 year abusive marriage 1 year ago next week - my leap of faith was knowing that God would hold me in His hands and see me through - during that time I have learned the faith of believing in myself, faith in friends and family, faith in believing in new ways. I see that the hills and valleys are experiences that I can savor and not fear and it is all a blessing. Jenn

cleemckenzie said...

I love your "acts of faith." I guess since I'm dealing with two elderly people right now and trying to come to terms about the end of our time together, my acts of faith would be about the strength of our kind and the acceptance of goodbye.

Kelly said...

Thank you for stopping by and leaving a comment. I have faith, oh so much faith. I don't care who you pray to, we all need someone to lean on. I have traveled a strange path. Born Jehovah's Witness then Baptist and lastly Catholic. Wow. You can't put those three in a room and come out sane. LOL. I love the fact that we all came from somewhere and may have a different idea of a creator. I am just so happy that I can have a prayer answered. Run through the woods and marvel at the beautiful cathedral. I guess I love and trust nature. Every day is a leap of faith.

Bee Haven Bev said...

I love this post!