Now, where did I leave that?

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

That Odd Color in the Sky

Could it be 'blue'???  Could that be a clear, sunny sky?  Really?  Last time I saw that was last Friday when we--at long last--bushwhacked our way through the jungle that was once the raised vegetable beds and planted two of them, and made plans for the third.  The jungle had apparently provided shelter for a dozen tomatoes that grew from last year's seeds, which I didn't think could happen--learn something new everyday, I guess.  While we didn't appear to get the blight last year, we clearly had some issue, so those volunteers have been pulled up & will gettheir chance, but in containers.  Meanwhile we've planted a dozen other tomatoes--including five different varieties of grape, some peppers, herbs, etc.  Because the 5 perennial beds look even worse than the veggie ones did (in fact, two aren't fully built yet), we decided to co-opt the third veggie bed as a temporary home for Big Sky Series echinaceas, balloon flowers, cerise yarrows, Russian sage (which is stunning when paired with Euhorbia Blackbird!), coral bells, and assorted other perennials.  It's kind of cool to see all that color and beauty up close and personal when we eat outside. The rest of teh veggies are going to be container plantings this year.
Every morning right about 6:30 we hear--and see--the Canada geese migrating north.  We can almost set our clock by these raucous flocks of 30 to 50 low-flying birds winging their way to cooler climes. The other wonderful sound we can hear when we're out on the porch is the thrumming beat of hummingbird wings as they buzz us on the way to one of the feeders.
I've finally been able to pick the knitting back up, thanks to the chiropractor.  Excess computer time still presents challenges, but I'm much better than a week ago!   I've only got a week to finish the hat which is meant to be both practice with circular needles in preparation for the sweater and the equivalent of a large sample swatch to determine what this particular yarn will do.  Bummed because somewhere in there I dropped a stitch, and to you seasoned knitters, that's easily remedied....but I couldn't for the life of me figure out what to I have a hole in the hat.  Sigh.  But I accept self-awarded kudos for not giving up on the whole thing!
I'll be posting before and after photos in the next few weeks--after months of searching for the 'right' chest/trunk for storing spinning and knitting wool, I scored a solid cedar-lined blanket chest for $20 at a yard sale this past weekend!  The inside is in gorgeous shape; the outside is atrocious, but I have a plan....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hail, intrepid chronicler of the garden, knitter, yard-sale maven! Glad the chiropractor worked some magic.