Now, where did I leave that?

Monday, April 8, 2013

I, Robot

Okay, I have disabled the word verification, but am blocking anonymous users. Let's see if this works better....


turquoisemoon said...

Sheesh...what a hassle!!! I sure hope they don't come knocking on my door.

Akannie said...

I just had to block anonymous users too... getting some comments that aren't particularly nice...I don't care what you say, but identify yourself, coward. lol

Linda said...

I have so far thankfully only had some nice anon users...But my time may come...Hope your son was safe in Boston on Monday...thought of you when the chaos was going on...


Ashling said...

Thanks, son was fine. Several of his staffers had left that area just minutes before, but all were okay. My thoughts and prayers are with the families this week.