Now, where did I leave that?

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Living In the Moment

Animals teach us to live in the moment, something I'm not always good at. But Lola, here in front of the pellet stove, is demonstrating the technique:


Raindrops and Daisies said...

Lola is so cute.

I'm not great at living in the moment, always looking back or wondering what the future holds,
maybe I should take Lola's way of thinking into my own life!!

Hope your week is going well.


ps stll raining here!

AkasaWolfSong said... look so at peace there by the stove...

Ashling...what a beautiful dog!!!

Here's hoping you are snuggling in for the night...with your loved ones all around you! :)

Blessings Dear One! Radiant Blessings!!!

From Beyond My Kitchen Window said...

Lola is such a pretty girl. I try to live in the moment, but its hard.

Michaele said...

You are so right about the animals. And I do believe she is practicing being present...yes.