Now, where did I leave that?

Thursday, May 10, 2012


Look....most of the time I don't stress about my age, even though in two weeks I'll be officially "over 50". However--my regular radio station just changed its name from 'classics' to 'oldies'. Cool beans--I love the 50s & 60s music that constitutes 'oldies'. So imagine my surprise--and disgust--driving to work this morning to the strains of Dancing Queen. I beg your pardon? Songs that were on the radio when I was in high school are now not 'classics' (we won't even discuss Abba and Hall & Oates being referred to as 'classics'); they're OLDIES?? I strenuously object. I'm not an oldie. The music that ruled the airways when I wandered the marbled halls of Mount Saint Mary High School (aka Mount Saint Mary's Academy) is not 'old'. It should maybe be bludgeoned into silence, but certainly not labeled 'oldies'.

And as long as I'm on a rant...Pres. Obama--your wishy-washy, politically expedient, waffled 'support' of same sex marriage doesn't exactly warm my heart. I know this seems like such a small issue in the face of a devastated economy, health care reform, and the ever-present spector of terrorism, but it isn't small. It's about the basic human rights of a significant chunk of the citizens of this country. When states are permitted to amend their constitutions to include blatant discrimination, we should all be scared. Today it's same sex marriage; tomorrow it'll be smoking, and the day after that, drinking soda. A week later, it'll be religious choice. You're 'disappointed' in North Carolina? You can be opposed to same sex marriage and yet be disgusted by North Carolina. Once upon a time you could have been lynched for even suggesting you could one day be president; how can you not be vociferous in your determination to abolish discrimination? I'm grateful you've ended wars we shouldn't have been in and are bringing soldiers home. I applaud health care reform. But you have also disappointed me; you shine a little less brightly for me today.


turquoisemoon said...

I've finally grown accustomed to listening to the "oldies"...I am an oldie. But, as far as I'm concerned, those old tunes are still the very best!!! Put on Aretha and watch me clean house...chain, chain, chain...

Brian Kelly said...

Considering that the political ramifications in terms of base enthusiasm will cut both ways, I'm really not sure it was "politically expedient." The reality is that he couldn't come out and make it sound like he was in favor all along - yesterday had to be a calm, measured statement. Whether he should have done it much sooner is another question, but he couldn't be all rah-rah yesterday without coming across as inauthentic.

AkasaWolfSong said...

I'm sure this was all politically orchestrated...and being an election year will hold sway with many voters, good or bad. The whole thing pisses me off. I mean come on already...this is just a basic human right! Can't people just get over themselves? WE love who we love, because Love knows no gender, no boundaries, it is what it is. I'm disappointed in The President too...more and more as time goes on but what is the alternative? I don't envy him his job...