Now, where did I leave that?

Saturday, July 24, 2010


It's been twenty-two years since I last had to think about baby-proofing....but we're in a frenzy of activity here, putting away saws and organic fertilizer, looking at the debris of two very busy people living who always have multiple projects underway (and project-attention-deficit), whether it be landscaping and gardening, or painting or beekeeping or spinning, and asking ourselves "is this safe?  will she chew this, taste that?".  Yeti isn't a puppy, which is both easier and harder.  And we're bringing this shaggy, furry dog to our one-air-conditioner-home on a day with 100+ heat index forecasted. Feeling pretty nervous--will she like us? Will she be happy? Will she be too much for us given her breed? Will the cats freak out and run away? But this all happened in such a way that we're kind of feeling it was meant to be.  So we'll get back to our preparations, and in a few hours will be walking in the door with our new family member.

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